
Organization Life and Living

Being Organized Is A Good Thing

"A Place For Everything & Everything In It's Place"

I can not count the times I have heard that phrase. It was usually when my mom could not find her scissors......*grin. Whenever I was around, my grandmother use to say it every time she put something away after using it. Whatever it was, it worked, because I now say it to my own children.

I kept their toys quite organized as well and I believe they appreciated it and learned the value of it. It was much more fun to pull out a box of blocks to play with immediately versus having to try and find them all at the bottom of the toy box. Just as easy to clean up and organize it, so why not. Plus, kids like to sort things and it is a great way to expand their learning. I'm glad I taught my children organization skills from the start.

Makes Life Less Frustrating

I know personally, by my own experiences, having clutter around me makes me anxious. I've gotten much better over the years, but still like to keep my ducks in a row. When I want something, it's right where it's suppose to be. A good organization system can help you find everything when you want it. That is far less frustrating than searching though and risking disorganizing something else in your search. It can get out of control. When I'm finished organizing something, it gives me a very satisfied sense of accomplishment. I have a really good memory, so I often over organize things. I can remember that I put something, I may want, in a box, that's in a bigger box, under the box that is full of craft stuff. 

Living in a manufactured home gives me very little storage space. I'm quite thankful I am able to be well organized. When I want to do something, I want to be able to do it. I do not want to have to spend more time looking for something I need than it takes to get it done. When I need something unusual that I know I have, to jury rig something, I want to find it quickly. It is frustrating to know I can do something, but can't, because I can't find what I need. 

You Will Find It Here

If I create any posts having to do with being organized or pertaining to organization, you will find them here. There are so many ways to organize so many different things that are not quite as obvious to some as they are to others. I'll share what I have come up with. Not all will be in the form of a post, so I've created a page for some quick, simple ways to organize something (see link below). On this page I'll simply list what it is and how to do it. You may have to visit this page now and then to see what's new. I'll put new entries on top so they will be easy to find.


Simple Ways To Get Organized

Page with quick entries for getting yourself organized

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