
Is It Really That Difficult

-Why do so many people find it hard to tolerate people who are different. Certainly we can not tolerate terrorism or acts of crime, Those are intolerable. I’m talking about the simplest of things such as a person’s size, religion, tastes, personalities and so on. To not like someone because they hunt to put food on their table, the most natural free range food you can get, which isn’t easy to obtain by any means, is absurd to me. Maybe, someone just enjoys hunting. People have been doing it for years and will continue doing it for many more. It doesn’t mean everyone has to enjoy it or even like it, but we shouldn’t condemn those who do. People really need to simply tolerate some things much more than they do.

Everyone likes to complain about the weather at some point or another, but we tolerate it when it’s not quite perfect for us at the time. Do we pack up and move, just because it’s too cold a few months out of the year. No, because we know there is no such place that has perfect weather and if there were there would be other flaws to contend with, so we tolerate where we are and enjoy those perfect days as much as possible. Can we not do the same with people who are different than we are? No one is perfect. No one is perfect for each other. Being able to tolerate differences in one another makes for a perfect match. Complaining about the weather hurts no one and does absolutely no good, but to complain or even act on another person’s differences is hurtful and it does no good, so why do it?

To Not Tolerate Is Intolerable

Children and young adults are killing themselves because some people can’t tolerate them. Their intolerable actions and ridicule cause someone so much distress in their lives they simply no longer wish to live and endure it any longer. Anyone who is capable of such cruelty is no better than a terrorist. Their actions terrorize the people they can’t seem to tolerate. Why else would they do or say what they do? If they could be more tolerant they would simply just let them be or even get to know more about them. Most of us are able to tolerate people we work with if we really don’t care for them, for what ever the reason. Why can we not do the same all the time? Those who can not tolerate things, often chose to act in an intolerable fashion rather than to just move on. If your watching a TV show you simply can’t tolerate, do you throw something at the TV? No, you choose to find something about the show you might like and continue watching, find another channel or turn it off. We have these same choices when it comes to people.

We all have things we don’t tolerate very well. There are personalities and differences of opinions in people on such a wide scale, there is no way everyone will get along and be “friends”. We do need to be more tolerant of these differences and learn to find another channel or turn off the set. You know what I mean. You can be honest without being hurtful or cruel. They need to be just as tolerant to your choices and opinions as well. We all have but one life to live, no one should make it any more difficult than it already is. After all, would making their life difficult really make yours better? If so, is it worth the price your willing to pay?

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