Fruit Slice Breakfast Bites

Everyone Loves These Bite Size Pancakes

My daughter came up with these little buggers when she was making herself some banana pancakes. I call them fruit slice breakfast bites. She had some left over slices of banana, so she just dipped them in her remaining batter. They are so good! I told her “I’ll have to remember these for when I finally have grand kids”. Then I thought, I have to share these with the readers of Notions and Needs.

breakfast bites bananaI remembered I had just bought some fresh strawberries, so had her try that too. Very yummy. I believe you can make these with just about any fresh fruit you can slice. I would imagine you would have to slice very thin slices of apple. She has been slicing her fruit about 2/10 of an inch thick. She even sliced her strawberry and banana a little thinner so she could combine the two for that classic strawberry/banana flavor.

They key for making these is the batter and the temp. If your griddle is a little below what you would normally cook your pancakes, you should be “golden”….lol, couldn’t resist. The batter I use is Mrs. Butterworth’s Complete pancake mix. I alter the recipe though. For every 7-8 pancakes (per the recipe on the box) add one egg, 1-2 tsp cinnamon and sugar (mixed) and substitute 1/2 of the water with milk. Personally, I throw the egg in my measuring cup, beat it up a little, then add my milk and water to get the 3/4 cup of liquid needed. If batter is a little thick after I whisk it up, it’s very easy to add a little more milk or water.breakfast bites strawberry

Just dip your fruit slices in the batter, so they are covered well.Place them on the preheated griddle and cook. When completely golden brown, flip until that side matches the first side. You can place them in the oven to keep them warm or serve immediately. Use caution……Fruit will be very hot. You can sprinkle with powder sugar, dip in syrup or eat just the way they are. I bet peanut butter would be good with the banana ones. Kids will eat these up! What a treat to have at Grandma’s house. 🙂


I find that the batter is a good consistency when your stroke marks vanish withing a few seconds. Standing batter is definitely too thick. (When the batter will hold the stroke marks or doesn’t blend within a few seconds, on it’s own, when you drizzle batter over itself.

Use caution with boxed pancake mixes. Never leave it in the original container after opening it and never, ever use it if it is past the expiration date. Store it in a air tight food storage container or a zip lock bag. Just tape instructions to the bag. Check out this warning on the Hoax Slayer website. No, it’s no hoax, bad pancake mix can kill you!

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