Life Happens

September Has Not Been The Best Month of the Year

-I’m sure we all have them, you know, those weeks that seem to be orchestrated to make you want to throw in the towel. Life tests you for all it’s worth and likes to see what your made of it seems. I haven’t posted for a while and I apologize, life happens to get a bit complicated at times and we have to tend to matters that are the most prevalent. I go one week of not posting and I get this comment on one of my posts stating this. “Hi admin, I see your blog needs fresh content. If you are too lazy to write unique content” and then tells me I need to visit some site they are promoting. Lazy?? Seriously, I wanted to not only delete their comment, I wanted them to have a taste of what I had been dealing with these last several days and then see if they still want to call me lazy. Do they seriously believe that insulting me would get any kind of result other than ignoring their ignorance? Just another person passing judgment on to someone they have no idea as to who I am or what I am dealing with in my life.

Life Happens, Now What?

Let’s see, first I find out someone I care about very much, has some kind of Leukemia and breaks my heart in more ways than I can count. This can put a damper on anyone’s week. A few days later I learn I have a major leak under the house coming from the bathtub drain, okay, I can handle this. Just Life dishing it out. Nope, not done yet, next I come down with a major Upper Respiratory Virus, that hits me like a ton of bricks. I haven’t been this sick in years. This also happens to come along just as I finally get some work, after nothing for four long months and my savings is down to it’s last $40.00. Oh almost forgot, to top it all off, I have learned that my only vehicle has some sort of drive shaft issue that will need some attention very soon.

Am I ready to throw in the towel, raise the white flag and surrender? Well, from what I understand, it’s not an option. There is no surrendering, your not allowed to throw in the towel. Life is funny that way, it often seems like a game that you just can’t win and you can’t quit playing either. You can’t hide or run away and pretend it’s just a bad dream and you’ll wake up any time now. The real kicker is, someone out there has it even worse off than you do. Is it luck, is it something to do with fate or which time of day or the month you were born? Are we secretively given a path in life that has to be taken? I often wonder this for myself. Why is it, I can not even seem to win for losing? I often start to see a light at the end of the tunnel only to get close and have it cave in.

I see people often get what I call, lucky breaks. I never get jealous of their good fortunes. I’m happy for them. they are complete life happens in spadesstrangers, yet I feel connected to them.  Because something or someone starts a ball rolling, they get to reach that light and become one person that no longer has it worse than I do. I know what a relief it must be for them to have that light shine upon their face. This gives me hope that I too will one day get to know what this may feel like and even get a little taste of it when I imagine what it must be like for them. I’ve been told over and over, that life will not hand you more than you can handle and so far it’s been true. I’ve been dealt some pretty rotten hands, yet I’m still in the game. I do a pretty good job of bluffing and know when to fold before placing any bets.

At the end of each day, I know I’m doing the best I can for myself and for my children. I won’t lie or cheat or steal to get ahead. I don’t take advantage of others and will not treat others any way other than I wish to be treated myself. I refuse to let life cause me to become a person I simply can not live with. This has it’s own reward at the end of the day and gives me the strength to continue to play the game, hang in there and make the best of it, because tomorrow is another day and no one knows what it may have in store for me. Maybe it will get me a little closer to that light. Maybe I’ll be able to help someone else get closer. If life had been simple for me, I’d not know half of what I know and I certainly would not be the person I am today. This tells me, there is a reason for everything, we can’t be blinded by frustration, despair, or envy. I set certain values for myself at a very young age and life does it’s very best at trying to break me and make me say, to hell with my values and morals. If at the end of my natural life, I can say I’ve held tight to what I believe and did not allow circumstances to change me into someone I did not wish to be, I will win this game of life and have a smile on my face for doing so. That’s all that matters in the end.

I’m still pretty ill feeling, but as soon as I’m able will be back on track with regular posts and will get off my lazy behind and post some unique content……….grins. In the mean time, if your dealing with your own “life happens” difficulties, here is a site with some inspirational quotes you may like to think about.

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