Monthly Updates -November/December

Combining the Two Updates

-I decided it would be best to combine these updates, rather than try to decipher what is what. November and December are usually my worst months. Though I must admit, this year was easier on me than last year. I was blindsided last year and it really upset me. I didn’t have that to contend with this year. Everything happens for a reason and if you open your eyes, you eventually figure it out. I had a very nice Christmas, but it was a different kind of Christmas. The whole tone of the holiday was different and it was still nice. It’s not the Christmas I wanted, but I didn’t dwell on that, I was able to accept it as it was and said “the heck with what I want, this is what we have this year and I need to embrace it”.

My Apologies

I didn’t get a lot published during these months. Every time I’d start a post, I’d think of something that would set off my anger issues and frustrations I have concerning my ex-husband. For a long time, I simply felt nothing, but now, I do believe I have every right to hate the man (I use the term lightly). I’m not going to consume myself with hatred or anything, I’m just done being nice all the time. I had to keep deleting things from my posts or even delete entire posts that I spent hours on. I did get quite a few started and fixed a few back end things though.

I don’t want me venting my frustrations in my posts any more. I know I’m guilty of it in the past and I’m sorry for that, but it’s a new year and I started a new blog to be able to vent now and then. Now you’ll only see it if you choose to. It’s my Personal Blog and I do believe it’s just the ticket. It will give more personal updates.


I’m working really hard on trying to come up with a way to make ends meet financially, it’s my main priority. I’m still actively working on the site and I do have over 70 drafts and some just need a few details to button them up. The details are like the page I was just working on, can’t post it until I get another step taken care of. I can’t let the cat out of the bag without giving it something to chew on. Some may wonder why I just don’t finish them up and post them. All in due time, I have my reasons. I have a couple updates about a few plans that I have and will post as soon as I’m set to roll with the plan. This weekend I’ll work on the function aspect, even if I don’t have anything for the category just yet, I can add the links when they are published. You should be seeing some changes on the pages, so be sure you refresh your browser or clear you cache in order to insure you see the changes and what’s new.

Many Posts or entries are waiting for me to be able to purchase items I want to promote and have listed for sale. I wish just being able to help without generating some kind of income was an option. There are cost involved that I simply can not afford, so I need to, at the very least, be able to cover all my out of pocket expenses and this includes going pro and paying for some of the programs and software I use on the site. As a service provider, I know it’s only right to compensate them for the use or information they provide.

I have several post already written for some DIY projects, but lack the funds to buy things I need to make them, so I can show photos of steps needed, as well as examples. Once I get out of this financial crisis I’m in, everything will begin to fall into place instead of apart………………(happy jig)


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