Personal Blog Entry

January 1, 2016

-Ahh, a new year. A new day, with a powder sugar coating of fresh snow on the ground here, where I live in Michigan. I guess it’s time to formally introduce myself. My name is Patricia, however, I go by Trish. Mom and most of my immediate family still call me Patty. You see, I went from Patty to Trish in 1979, when I felt that Patty just didn’t fit me very well and it was also soon after I found out I was named after my father’s old girlfriend.

She was the one he had before he met my mother, his first love. That first love thing is hard to forget, I understand this, but you shouldn’t go naming your children after them. I don’t know if my father would have still done this, if this other woman had not done it first. She had given her son the same first name as my father a couple years prior to my birth. My mother knew the reason behind his choice and happened to like the name, but exclaimed it would be over her dead body that my middle name would be Ann (the same as the other woman) and that I will share the same middle name as my mother. It was a bit of a tough cookie to swallow and I some how felt, perhaps this was some kind of burden I will have to carry my entire life. It was Patsy that my father was now living with instead of my mother, my parents may still be married if this other woman didn’t exist and I was maned after her! I wanted distance and some kind of power to change this concept. This other woman named Patricia went by the name of Patsy and I did not want to be referred to anything that was close to that, so I began calling myself Trish and introducing myself as such. I was fourteen and many knew me as Patty, so the transition was not as complete as I had hoped it would be. It’s just a name, I don’t much care what people call me, as long as I know they are referring to me. Patty, Patricia, Pat or Trish, it’s all the same to me, but I put my foot down and correct them if they ever call me Patsy.

What I am writing in this personal blog is going to be all over the place I’m sure. I’ll refer to my past, present and future. Will share my hopes, fears and emotional state of mind. This is where you can find out about your administrator, author and creator of Notions and Needs. What better time to start a personal blog, than January 1st. Never did care much for diaries, however, I wish I had written in a journal over the years of my life, to make notes of events in my life. Perhaps I would be able to reflect on the good times and see that they surely must out number the bad. No better time than the present, some say life begins at 50, well, if it does, I’m ready to begin my life, right here, right now. Here’s to my life, to a different life than I have been enduring thus far.

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