Watermark For Your Photos

Step By Step Instructions, How To Create A Watermark, To Protect Your Pictures You Post Online or Share with Others.

If you post any photos to social media, they are up for grabs to anyone who can see them. Do you want people to use your pics to scam people in some way or another? They will you know. They may even help fund terrorist activities. Please protect your pictures by placing a Watermark overlay over your photos before you post/share them. It’s quite easy and yes, it’s not as quick, but your being responsible and that alone is worth the extra steps you need.Continue

Fruit Slice Breakfast Bites

Everyone Loves These Bite Size Pancakes

My daughter came up with these little buggers when she was making herself some banana pancakes. I call them fruit slice breakfast bites. She had some left over slices of banana, so she just dipped them in her remaining batter. They are so good! I told her “I’ll have to remember these for when I finally have grand kids”. Then I thought, I have to share these with the readers of Notions and Needs.Continue

Bargains Galore

I Love Finding Bargains

When every penny counts, saving a bunch of money on those everyday needs is a must. I have my mother to thank for getting me hooked on garage sales, when my daughter was first born. In our area there were Bargains galore to be found. Baby’s grow so fast and there are so many products out there to educate, amuse and comfort them, which they do outgrow quite quickly. On a budget, purchasing things for them at regular price can not be justified. Buying retail just doesn’t make sense, when you can get them at a fraction of the cost at resale shops and garage sales.Continue

Heal Broken Heart -2

Update: Brokenhearted – Healing My Broken Heart 5-08-17

Well, it’s been about 6 months now and I’m still heartbroken, but it’s getting better. I’m feeling a bit more optimistic about being able to Love again. I still can’t quite bring myself to move on just yet, but it’s getting close. I know that I need to move on. Getting over the “I still love you” hump takes time. I do know one thing; In the beginning, I couldn’t even fathom the thought of being with anyone but him, but now, I’m beginning to entertain the thought now and then. It’s progress and I’ll take it.Continue

Quick Custom Fit Harness

Simple, Quick, Custom Fit
Animal Harness

DIY HarnessI have been making these easy harnesses for years. Cats are very agile and collars tend to be rather useless, unless they are strictly for looks. When taking your pet to the vet, it’s always best to have them leashed. If you have some paracord, light weight rope, strong string, ect..you can whip up a harness to keep your pet secure.

How Do You Heal A Broken Heart

How you choose to heal your broken heart,

May dictate how/if you love again

I have not been myself lately, because I’m in love with someone who simply doesn’t love me. There is no greater pain, than a broken heart. Believe me, I know this first hand. I also know the pain will not last forever. However, I do appear to have a very big heart. The bigger the heart, the greater the pain. I often wonder if having your heart broken over and over again causes it to “grow” each time it heals. Perhaps it never really heals completely at all. I feel as though it simply creates another layer to allow you to love again, with all your heart. With a new heart. Continue

Kicking That Smoking Habbit

Time To Stop Smoking

I have been a smoker for so many years. I started smoking when I was around 12 or 13 years old. It started with the long butts my mom would leave in her ashtray. Then I graduated to swiping one or two from her pack when I had the chance. I'd catch my sister smoking in the bathroom and I could always get a couple from her to keep my mouth shut 🙂 Never dreamed I would still be smoking today, nearly 40 years later. I was a damn fool back then.


Neat Closet Shoe Rack

No Tools, No Marks, No Space, No Problem

Your Shoes Will Love You

Shoes seem to always take over the floor of my closet, but not any more. I have discovered a clever way to make use of a very common product that has many uses. One of these uses is to make a shoe rest.Continue

Update-My Break Is Over

Took A Break Update

Time to get back at it

Time for an update that’s way overdue. Sorry about the break. After my mom passed away, my heart just wasn’t in to much of anything. It also made me think…….When I should pass away, I want my kids to still be able to ask me for a recipe or seek advise. I can’t count the times I have wanted to talk to my mom since she left us and I can’t find the oatmeal raisin cookie recipe in her recipe box. The only way my kids can find some answers, is through this website. I’ll do what I can, when I can and hopefully, I’ll have many years to add things.Continue

Air Fryer Review

This is my Black and Decker Air Fryer Review

-I have been seeing an advertisement on TV for an air fryer for quite some time and wanted to get my hands on one. I was finally able to get one on sale at one of my favorite places to shop. It was on sale for $89 and I just couldn’t resist. After eating my lunch today, I knew I had to write an air fryer review for this Black and Decker air fryer.Continue

Product Reviews

Read and Write Reviews

-I appreciate those who take a minute to write reviews and yes, people use them to help decide if they should make a purchase or not. Reviews can save you a lot of headaches. I was shopping online yesterday on one of them bargain websites and I liked that they had an option to rate the store and the products they offered. Yes, most of the stores on the site were from China, but it had items I wanted for stocking stuffers. Was filled with novelty items at very good prices.


It’s Soon To Be Flea Season

Start Treating Your Pets for the Dreaded Flea Now

-The weather here in Michigan is just beginning to warm up and the frosty nights will soon end. Now is the time to start treating your pets for fleas, even those that stay inside. Fleas can ride in on shoes and clothing and if they find a host, your looking at 50 eggs per day! You want no part of the hard work and hassles of dealing with a flea infestation and that is exactly what you will have if you allow it to begin. It can very quickly get out of control.Continue

Are Kroger Flowers Any Good

My Review About Kroger Floral Dept.

-Buying flowers at a grocery store can be scary. Your giving these flowers to someone you care about and the last thing you want, is to give flowers that end up being a disappointment. I do corporate audio visual now and then for a great AV company that’s located in Brighton, Michigan, but go all over the US for their clients. AV Squared is an audio visual company that works. I’ll review them one day as well, but back to my Kroger floral review. Just wanted to let you know how I would feel entitled to review Kroger’s, Michigan Division, flower department.Continue

eBay Is Dieing

What Has Happened To eBay

-I have been an ebay seller for many years. When I first started selling, I was choosy about what I listed. After all, I had to pay an insertion fee, so I wouldn’t list things that were not worth the risk of paying to list something that more than likely would not sell. It had to be a good value and my start price had to be reasonable. I loved ebay.

I actually went to a garage sale and spent $100.00 that I turned into over $400.00. It was early spring and the location of the sale was way out in the boonies. It was a moving sale, so things were priced to sell fast. With my $100 of product investment in hand, I began listing the things I did not wish to keep for myself, which was about $60.00 worth. I paid insertion fees and went with an auction format w/calculated shipping. After all was said and done, I actually made enough money to buy a new desktop computer and cover my costs for the $40.00 I spent on items I wanted for myself. Not one unhappy buyer either, I’ll have you know.Continue


This post will be removed when things are back to normal

Just a quick note to fill you in on what’s up


-My mother passed away on Monday 03-07-2016 and had taken a turn for the worst before then, so I was able to go and see her to say good-bye.

Once things settle down, slow down and get back to a normal hectic life, I will be back at posting. I have so much to say and so many posts that just need some details, I just can’t do it right now. Don’t give up on me, I’ll be back as soon as possible.

Thanks for understanding.

5-21-17 Update:

It’s been over a year and I’ve been able to post a few things here and there. Thank you for the love and loyalty I have received. I love this website, it’s a personal project I enjoy sharing with all of you. I feel bad when I am unable to post for long periods of time. I guess that is all part of this being a “living” website. This summer I hope to add quite a few posts. I rarely work in the summer, so should have some projects to post, great summer activities to share, not to mention updates on my quest for finding love again and how my no smoking journey is going. Hang in there, I’m still here :).


Driftwood Art Decor

Natural Driftwood

I use all natural driftwood and weathered wood for my driftwood art pieces. Each piece is meticulously chosen and incorporated into each unique piece of art. Many pieces takes days, even weeks to complete and I follow no other art form other than my own. My pieces are original as, the creator. I have an eye for detail and an instinct for perfection when it comes to my creations.Continue

Routine Colonoscopy

 My Colonoscopy Experience

-Well, the day is finally here, a day I’ve been dreading for weeks. It’s time to prepare for my colonoscopy, that I’m having tomorrow. I’ve watched my diet and have eaten canned pears twice a day for the last couple days with hopes of it helping. “I’m starved”, haven’t eaten anything except for a cinnamon roll, pears, coffee with creamer and 12 ounces of chicken broth since I woke up and it’s nearly 6 pm. Continue

Roast Beef

Simple Pot Roast

-One of my family’s favorite dinners I prepare, is roast beef. I make it the same way my mother did, using a dry french onion soup mix for my seasoning. This is a great chilly day meal. I like this meal because it’s very easy to make, a one pot meal and requires very little hands on time. Plus, I always make it big, so I can get more than one mea

l out of itContinue

Products With Other Uses

Thinking Out of the Product Box

-We often find ourselves needing products that do not exist or cost much more than your willing to pay. I like to find new uses for different products I find or like, but really have no use for the way they are. I love resale shops and junk yards to get my imagination rolling. I never find anything I can produce in quantity there, but I can create something for myself or retain the idea to see what I’d need to make what I envision.Continue

New Parent Tips

Just A Few Tips, I Found Useful That May Help A New Parent

-Congratulations on becoming a new parent. Your in for an adventure, I’m sure. Having children is the most difficult thing you will ever love. Children will indeed change your life, so embrace the change, accept it with open arms and never complain about it. They are not like a puppy or kitten, your in it for the rest of your life and they rarely appreciate all you do for them, until they become parents themselves. This is useful information and I hope you take a minute to read it. have also included a really great baby stroller that is well worth the investment and you may be able to find a used one as well, if you check around.Continue

Easy Beef Stroganoff

Condensed Soup Beef Stroganoff

-I always have 3 different condensed soups in my cupboards, Tomato, Cream of Chicken and Cream of Mushroom. I use these soups often to assist me with preparing food, as well as, just making soup. This recipe requires Cream of Mushroom condensed soup for a really good easy to prepare Beef Stroganoff.Continue


No Chunks of Tomato- Recipe

-I just love chili, but I dislike chunks or pieces of tomato, so I figured out how to make my chili without them. If you like hunks of tomato, it can be altered to accommodate your tastes. When I was a kid, I wouldn’t eat anything I could see a chunk of tomato in. This instantly told me I wouldn’t like it. Continue

Tender White Cookie Dough

Makes Great Cut Out Christmas Cookies

-This cookie recipe has always been a family favorite. As a kid, I use to love frosting these after mom would bake them. I have not mastered that perfect feel for the dough my grandmother and mother had, but with practice I’m sure I will one day. The cookies still turn out wonderful, but could be shaped nicer.

These cookies are soft and tender and oh, so good. Not very difficult to make either. I like to make nice big cookies with this recipe. Great cookie for the holidays, any holiday. Give it a try, tell me what you think.Continue

Gift Ideas For Her

Pay Attention

-I realize it’s hard to buy a gift for a woman when your a man. A woman’s idea of the perfect gift is often quite different than what a man may see as the perfect gift. The best gift I ever received, was from a boyfriend I had only been dating for a few months after my divorce was final. He paid attention to what I wanted. Continue

Happy Thanksgiving

I Am Thankful

-I am very thankful that on this Thanksgiving day, I still have my mom and step dad living in a nursing home up north. It was touch and go for a while at times. I wish I could be near and able to give a hug and a kiss, but thankful I can call and say I love you. I know not having us with them will be very difficult this year, so happy they have each other.Continue

Clothing-Size Marking Cord

An Easy Way To Check Size

-I devised a way to easily size my kids clothes to assist me when doing the wash or out shopping. I had four growing children, what seemed like on a daily basis at times. Doing the laundry was one of the times I could also sort out clothes that no longer fit. Having three girls first, I was usually able to take the clothes that no longer fit the oldest and move it to the next in line and place it on a shelf or in the back of the closet, until it fit. Washing and drying clothes often shrink them a bit over time, some more than others, so sizes alone was just not enough to go by.Continue


Simple Meatloaf Recipe Kids Love

-A lot of kids don’t like meatloaf, not sure why, but seems to be the case most of the time. My mom always made a very basic meatloaf and my kids actually requested this meal quite often. Only take a few minutes to prepare and requires very little fuss. This recipe is for a 3 pound meatloaf, that will give you plenty of left overs for sandwiches or to heat up the next night or for lunch. My kids wanted me to be sure to post this, so they can get the recipe easily from the Notions and Needs website.Continue

Baked Chicken

Crispy Corn Flake Baked Chicken

-One of my kids favorite meals is this simple inexpensive Baked Chicken, beware though, you will want to eat the skin from every piece in the dish. Can also be done with skinless chicken too. My mom always made her chicken this way and now that chicken is one of the least expensive meats on a per pound basis, I find I am cooking it more often. If your looking for a new way to prepare chicken, try this recipe that makes tender, juicy, baked chicken for dinner.Continue

Tub Drain was a Pain

Fixing Leaking Tub Drain

-As I mentioned in an earlier post, I had discovered that my bathtub seemed to be leaking. I live in a manufactured home, so most repairs can easily be done to water lines and drains from under the house. I removed a long section of the skirting so I could gain easy access to the area that the water was dripping from. Fortunately the tub is located on an outside wall, so I did not have to crawl way under the house to gain access to the area in need of repair. I could feel that the vapor barrier was quite heavy with water soaked insulation and water was only leaking from areas where the vapor barrier had been breached. Continue

Life Happens

September Has Not Been The Best Month of the Year

-I’m sure we all have them, you know, those weeks that seem to be orchestrated to make you want to throw in the towel. Life tests you for all it’s worth and likes to see what your made of it seems. I haven’t posted for a while and I apologize, life happens to get a bit complicated at times and we have to tend to matters that are the most prevalent. I go one week of not posting and I get this comment on one of my posts stating this. “Hi admin, I see your blog needs fresh content. If you are too lazy to write unique content” and then tells me I need to visit some site they are promoting. Lazy?? Seriously, I wanted to not only delete their comment, I wanted them to have a taste of what I had been dealing with these last several days and then see if they still want to call me lazy. Do they seriously believe that insulting me would get any kind of result other than ignoring their ignorance? Just another person passing judgment on to someone they have no idea as to who I am or what I am dealing with in my life.Continue

Bullying – Just Some Thoughts

Differences should not make a Difference

Differences are something we all have in common. It makes us unique, an individual,… human. So many people have thoughts based on ignorance, because they simply don’t know someone or personally understand them and then try to get others to express these same thoughts. You can read my Thoughts on Ignorance Is Bliss here. Often, it is only to justify one’s own self, to give value to their thoughts, by having others give it validity. Even though, they most likely heard it from you. “I’m not the only one who feels this way or says anything, so I must be right”, kind of thinking. Drawing attention to yourself, giving you a feeling of superiority and making you feel your doing the world a favor. Here’s a thought, there is nothing wrong with keeping opinions to yourself.Continue

Camping – Michigan State Parks

Some Of My Favorite Places For Camping

Here are several State Campgrounds in Michigan I really like to go camping at. I liked it more when I was a kid, they changed the rules.  The DNR has made a few changes I don’t much care for and wish they would fix it. Have linked the campgrounds to their websites, if they had a good one available.


Make Ordinary Cake, Not So Ordinary

Cake Tip

-Simple layer cakes can get boring and feel rather ordinary. If it’s a special occasion, you don’t want to serve ordinary.

You can easily split a cake with dental floss and a few toothpicks. I like to do this when I want to layer a cake that is not intended to layer or to turn a two layer cake into a four layer cake. See example photos showing how to floss split a cake.

Pudding Cake

Today I decided to make a small layer cakeContinue

Monthly Update-August

My First Month

-Well, it’s been one month since I did a quiet soft launch. I had to make quite a few adjustments. I had to tighten security for the site to make sure hackers would not be able to invade my content. Do they seriously have nothing better to do than try to hack into a Home and Life website created by a single mom trying to provide a better life for others, as well as her own family? I had to disable any sort of registration, sorry, security of the site was much more important.Continue

Recliners and Cats Don’t Mix

How To Keep Cats From Going Under Your Recliners

-Recliners can be dangerous for cats and they should be trained not to go under them. Their tails, feet and even head are at risk for injuries. Most recliners have some kind of base, which allows you to try this method of keeping your cats from going under your recliners.  My sister gave me this idea when we were talking about my family’s new kittens. I gave it a try and it worked like a charm.Continue

Parent Plus Loan

Parent Direct Plus Loan-Federal Student Aid Loan
Overturn Approval

-Have you been approved for a loan you simply can’t afford to help cover your child’s tuition for college? As a parent of a couple of college students, I’m also learning new things. I learned something new recently in regards to the Parent Direct Plus Loan. My daughter is usually a bit short on funds to allow her to get her education, so she has to get a Direct Plus Loan. She can only get a certain amount of money and she usually needs a little more. She can get approved for additional funds, only if the parent is denied. Continue

Simple Party Foods and Planning

Simple Parties Should Not Be Complicated

-Here are a few suggestions for you to consider if your planning a casual gathering or party. Things to think about as you plan, to help you make confident decisions as you plan. A few suggestions as to what you can serve your guests if your planning a party or open house. I like to serve things that Continue

Pots – Things To Consider

Good Pots Can Make a Difference

-Not all pots and pans are created equal and over time you learn just the right temperatures needed, how often you need to stir your food, timing and how your pots and pans preform for you. You get accustom to using them and it takes time to do this. Every time I would get a new pot or pan to replace one I needed to get rid of, I had to learn to use it. Having a set that will last a lifetime eliminates this.Continue

Read That Tiny Print

Can That Tiny Print Get Any Smaller

-If you are having as much difficulty reading that tiny print as I am, even with glasses on, you may want to try this. Since print is getting smaller and smaller these days, making it harder to read, we need a something other than glasses to read it. There isContinue

Warning-Pet Exposure to Cedar

Do Not Use Cedar for Pet Bedding

-I made mention in a previous post, called Fleas, actually my first official post, and how I thought cedar trees may be one reason why there does not seem to be a big flea problem in Northern Michigan, so I decided to look into it further. Continue

Sloppy Joe’s, kids will eat.

Tomato Soup Sloppy Joe’s

– This is the recipe my mom always made when I was a kid. A lot of kids do not like traditional sloppy joe’s, they have green pepper, big pieces of onion, spicy and a bit tangy for their sensitive tastes.Continue

Shaving Legs – Tip

Alternative to Shaving Cream
Stop the Itch

-In case you missed this tip in my About Me page, I decided to post about it. I use to suffer from incredibly itchy legs a day or two after I shaved. I literately wanted to dig my skin off. I stumbled upon this helpful solution. It worked for me, see if it will work for you too. It’s also an inexpensive alternative to shaving cream.Continue

Floors-Cheap Alternative

Floors That Need Help

-If your carpeting should really be thrown out, here is an inexpensive alternative to spruce things up for about $10.00-$25.00 or $60.00 if you want to take extra steps. Just something to consider if you can not afford to replace what is currently there.Continue

Safety – Social Media

Safety Has To Come Before Socializing

-Do you like to share things on Facebook and twitter? Show pictures of the beautiful scenery where you are vacationing? Not so long ago, we had to wait to get home to call our friends and family, to tell them about our trip. We had to wait for pictures to be developed so we could share them. Send post cards that usually got to them after we had already returned home. Times sure have changed.

Be cautious when you are sharing information with people. Look at what your sayingContinue

Parenting-Don’t Eat That

Parenting Tip

-Do not eat the food your child leaves on their plate. So many parents do not realize that you are not wasting the food, if you throw it away instead of eating it yourself. If you have already had your meal, eating their food to avoid throwing it out, is only going to store it on your hips. I believe tossing it out with the trash is better than wearing it. Parenting does not come with instructions. We often seek advise, live and learn or do as our parents did. I hope this tip helps you make a good parenting choice.
Do not make your servings larger than you should, so you can feed your child from your plate. The child should always Continue

Egg Pancakes

Grandma’s Egg Pancakes

-These were a family favorite when I was growing up. This recipe is for about three servings, depending on if you are planning to serve fruit or meat with the meal. I can often eat half a batch by myself if it’s brunch.

In a blender break open and add 6 large eggs, blend lightly with 1 cup of milk, then in a small bowl mix 1 cup flour, one teaspoon baking powder and a heaping one half teaspoon salt. Add half the mixture to you egg and milk mixture and blend lightly then add remaining mixture. It should be very thin and have a consistency of heavy buttermilk. (More or less milk or flour, depending on size of eggs.)
Detailed instructions and tips:Continue

LegalShield-Service I Love


LegalShield-This is a service I just love and had to share it with all of you. I am not a marketer for this service, I’m just a member, a very happy member at that. I first became a member when I was needing to get custody of my children. It was pretty clear they were better off with me, but knew the courts liked everything documented and worded just right. So I knew I had to have some help.
I could not afford an attorney, but I could easily afford LegalShield. Continue

Links – Share Them

Links for Other Sites or Services

-Links -It has become apparent, that people want to share their information on sites like this, so I will allow it, but not scattered all over the site. A link must be submitted for approval, using the Links Contact Form found at the bottom of the Contact page (Home-Contact).

I will create a page that will share a link that is permitted and is in relation to the Notions and Needs Website. I will allow comments to direct users to check out your link(s), however, a link will NOT be permitted within the comment. Keep in mind that this site is primarily geared for “Low Income Living”. I will not condone scams or low value, over-priced gimmicks. Please go to Links-Terms for terms for posting links. Links must also be in compliance with Notions and Needs Terms of Use.Continue

Stretch Your Dish Soap

Quick Tip

– I always have a small bottle of dish soap sitting by the sink for quick access. Well, actually I have two small bottles of dish soap by the sink. One has the dish soap I use for washing the dishes, the other is diluted quite a bit.Continue


Hanging Fish Bowl

beta-Orb hanging fish bowl-Here is a great product that I created years ago and sell on eBay quite often. It will be available on this site once I implement a “products for sale” area on the site. This hanging fish bowl is very unique and attractive too. It’s not just for a betta or goldfish. Let your imagination run wild for ways to use it. The Beta-Orb is made of quality materials. I only use glass bowls, for years of clear enjoyment.  The chain is a very nice heavy chain and the cap is easy to remove for cleaning. Currently only available in chrome. It comes complete with chain, cap, bowl, aquarium gravel and small aquarium plastic plant or occasionally aqua jewels (show in picture) and no plant. Betta is actually smaller than the photo depicts it to be. Another great feature is it’s magnification properties. If you like fish, you’ll love this hanging fish bowl.Continue

Facebook Page

Social Media


-I have decided to use Facebook as a way to keep my users informed of updates, posts and pages added as well as announcements. You will find the link at the bottom of the site, in the footer. Since Facebook is already one of the best social media outlets and free to use, ( I do love “free” ) I figure it’s wise to incorporate it into the website and use it’s features as a great way to communicate with my users and visitors. Hope you “Like” it….*big smileContinue

Fleas-First Official Post


-Fleas have to be prehistoric, because nothing seems to be able to wipe them out. I have scoured the internet, read over one hundred articles and have tried dozens of products to eradicate them from my home immediately. I have entered every type of keyword, phrase, title and even common misspellings and no luck. It can not be done quickly.
I did find one site, that pretty much says it all, called; richsoil. This site covered nearly everything I had seen over several sites, as well as great forum on the subject. One thing he does mention was how the flea is a nuisance that causes panic and that leads people to buying all kinds of toxins to get rid of them, asap. There is NO quick fix. I do have a few techniques and suggestions you should read if you are battling the dreaded flea or wish to prevent having to. I won the war, however, lost a few battles as well. You don’t have to.
